Claim arising from trip in shop settles for £30,000

Mrs B was in a recently-refurbished shop looking for some new flooring when she walked up a small ramp covered in some carpet remnant. This caused her to trip and fall, landing heavily on her left hand causing immediate pain in her wrist. After being helped to her feet our client noticed her wrist was swelling up. Her husband then took her to the Mater Hospital where she was sent for an x-ray.

The initial X-rays showed Mrs B had a fracture in her left wrist however further investigation was required to determine the extent of the injury. A cast was applied but in order to help resolve the issue manipulation was required with a small step in the joint still evident on inspection.

The following day Mrs B attended the fracture clinic at the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) and attended again one week later for open reduction and external fixation of her fracture which required an anaesthetic. Issues with her wrist continued and Mrs B had to attend further appointments at the RVH to review how the injury was improving as well as physiotherapy to aid recovery. Pain continued to bother her with day-to-day tasks such as peeling potatoes or filling a kettle causing her issues. In order to complete work around the house, Mrs B’s granddaughters had to assist with daily chores.

On being instructed Neil McGranaghan directed a letter of claim to the shop for onward transmission to their insurers. Correspondence alleged the incident arose from the shop’s negligence in failing to ensure the safety of visitors to the store. Neil’s priority was to ensure that Mrs B was fully compensated for her injuries and suffering. Compensation included special damages for monies paid to her granddaughters for helping with work around the house.

Settlement was reached without a need for Court Proceedings for the sum of £30,000 including special damages plus costs in Mrs B’s favour.

Following the successful conclusion of their claim our client commented as follows;

“I would recommend highly Neil as he kept me fully informed at all stages of my action and arranged all my medical examinations after a fall which caused a broken wrist. He obtained me a very good settlement in just 1 year. Thank you Neil very much.”

If you have been involved in a similar accident and would like to arrange a free consultation please contact us by phone on 02891 817715 or by email